


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lisa D Weatherly

Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. 
I am in a thousand winds that blow, I am the softly falling snow. 
I am the gentle showers of rain, I am the fields of ripening grain. 
I am in the morning hush, I am in the graceful rush. 
Of beautiful birds in circling flight, I am a star shining in the night. 
I am in the flowers that bloom, I am in a quiet room. 
I am in the birds that sing, I am in each lovely thing. 
Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there. I did not die !

Lisa D Weatherly, a miracle child and vibrant young woman, has passed from our lives all too soon. 

Lisa battled physical adversity and challenges throughout her entire life; she coped with them through sheer force of personality, will, grit and determination. She participated in sports, her great love, until her body could no longer sustain her; her wit and pithy commentary on sports teams and characters kept us in stitches and laughter, it seemed, forever. 

Lisa persevered in her education through Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey, another goal and milestone in a series of small miracles. I remember all too well carrying her on my shoulders while she was in Middle School, above the press of her fellow students; the faculty and students all loved her.

Her mother, Norma Jean Weatherly, father, James Weatherly, and older brother, Joseph Weatherly, feel her loss keenly, as do we all, because Lisa was such a fighter; we learned to expect Lisa to overcome this challenge to her health as if it was another in a series of battles for supremacy against an unseen adversary. In that regard, Lisa had prevailed throughout her life; Lisa has occupied a place in our lives, it seems, forever.

We are grateful indeed to our Heavenly Father for His grace and decision to relieve her from this ongoing struggle and lift her up, into His comforting arms; free at last from pain and illness, now, and forever. Our immediate loss and tears are real enough, and Lisa continues to be present in our mind and memories, but we are consoled by the fact that we will be together again on the other side of the veil; Lisa will be there to welcome us with her wit, infectious laughter, warm hugs and snack food from Taco Bell. Enjoy the journey, Lisa; we'll be with you soon enough. 

Lil Lisa was a member of our community , smart, funny girl.. loved by all members.
Player Info
Total played681
Total staked163
Player points2588.94
Staker points1756.60
Makeup owed$0.00
Makeup you owe$0.00
PokerStars accountn2winlisa
Full Tilt Poker accountn2winlisa
Juicy Stakes Poker account[not set]
Party Poker account[not set]
OPR Stats
Open BAPs (View all BAPs)
BAP IDBAP RaisedBAP AmountDate started
BAP Investments
BAP IDPlayerSharesShare value

Stakes Playing
Stake IDAmount / BankrollStaker
454840 [rail]$1.10 / $1.10sydsdad88
168980 [rail]$11.00 / $0.00lilprog-MF
Totals$12.10 / $1.10
Open Stakes (View all stakes)
Stake IDAmount / BankrollPlayer
Totals$0.00 / $1.10

Messages to Lil_Lisa_W from PtP members :

Feel like I've been punched in the stomach. 

I loved debating sports with her. So infuriating. Such a horrible speller. 

Such a fighter. Few of us have had to battle like she has.

Tenacious, precocious, funny, endearing, cute, generous, and competitive the whole way. 

Always at the top of my list of people I wanted to meet here. Would have loved to sit beside her at a Flyers game.

Really really sad right now.


For someone as sick as she was, she showed incredible spirit around here. She could be annoying, but in the end was always a standout awesome member on this site.

Gonna miss her always getting lynched in WW.

Lisa's favorite team.

We didnt agree on anything in the hockey thread and was amazed that she never conceded she was wrong even when everyone was on the other side (torres hit on hossa), but she was so passionate about the flyers and about hating the penguins that it livened up the thread and as a Canadian, it was great to see an American who cared so much about hockey...


Lil Lisa has been with us so long, she was one of the first members of PTP/RBN.

As a person with so many medical issues she was the definition of a fighter and was a true poker lover and player, someone who took poker as a lifelong pursuit, not just as a phase or passing fancy.

Yeah she was a spitfire, everyone had a healthy argument with her at some point and she was vocal about her beliefs, never had a problem calling out B.S. when she saw it.

She will be missed.

I've probably played dozens of WW games with her, and she was definitely her own character. She was smarter than a lot of people gave her credit for, a very out-of-the-box thinker, and always rooted for the underdog. She had a real passion for the game just like she did for sports. Her posts would never be boring. There were so many times she had ideas everyone thought was crazy, but then she would end up being right.

Gonna miss her. But remember her spirit.

                       RIP LISA


$20 gogzy
$104 Likashing
$50 xfishnutzx
$10 viper
$200 HosentRoger
$25 Crad
$10 bfizzle
$50 manhat
$50 Harp/Suspect fund
$6.66 iamslayer666
$30 loxo
$10 Pocket Deuces
$59 ColdHardMetal
$25 suspect76
$50 AlanF51
$100 Jefe
$20 cather
$15 justparttime
$50 krys
$33 ArcticAces
$10 losttrem
$25 headhunter
$10 TornadeoJim
$20 4ofakind
$20 jsoccer
$7 simplyme
$50 golfpro
$20 River_rat802
$10 Brownie4444
$25 DONKafied
$20 tarheelkid23
$63 wotawaster
$7 Talking Poker
$20 studentg83
$50 ILS007
$1 coasterbrad
$235 anonymous (multiple doners)
$20 kirby
$20 Gwyneth2112
$50 justblazed
$15 DeeYakaBaka
$50 ingermort
$15 dabrian
$25 cubbies4life
$20 UFC Watcher
$100 Schaph

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