


Friday, January 17, 2014

ReedMoney: Maybe it was in my blood to love the game of poker.

My name is Sean Reed. I'm old on the online poker scale at 37 years old. My family and I live in beautiful Northeast Tennessee. I have been working for the same company since I was 18 years old.

PTP history!?!?

I was playing some MTT on PokerStars one night years ago and saw a player with an avatar of Neverbeg Staking. I created an account to see what it was like and never looked back. At the time, I was having some decent results playing micro-medium stakes MTTs. I ran some profitble stakes in the beginning to build a reputation of a loyal and trustworthy horse. I also staked some micro players while playing myself.

Your poker starts, mentors?

I started playing stud type home games in high school for small stakes and for fun. I always like playing cards and remember hearing stories on my grandfather grinding poker at the VFW to pay bills sometimes. Maybe it was in my blood to love the game of poker. I've never grinded poker to pay my bills though. I began playing online before the Moneymaker era. I signed up on Stars soon after it launched and began playing micro SNG's for fun in my spare time. PokerRoom began and then I signed up there. That's when I began playing MTT poker and had some decent success to build a bankroll. Once I had a bankroll, I signed up on more sites and had my most success on Absolute gridning the early days with a lot of the well known players today. It's crazy to look back at all the poker beasts that used to play $3-10 rebuys every night on AP.

Biggest cash, live-online?

My largest live cash came in April when I finished 13th/1,315 players in Cherokee, NC first WSOPC stop. I was dissappointed at the $4.5k result considering I was a top 2 stack with 13 left and it was $70k up top. Lost AK<Q10 and couldn't recover. My largest online score was just over $10k when I was the first player to double final table the Big Daily Doubles on FTP. I won one of them and finished 3rd or 4th in the other.

About staking.....

Like I said earlier I began micro staking in my early days on the site. I was staking more heavily leading up to Black Friday. Luckily with exception of one offsite horse most of my funds have been returned from horses. Unfortunately, that horse had a substantial cash on UB prior to BF and I doubt those funds will ever be seen again. I have been staking live MTT players a lot more since BF. Mostly WSOPC grinders and I only buy small % now. I have not been too involved in online staking since BF because lack of US player pool & I don't want to have funds seized again by our government. I used the horses stats, game selection, trustworthiness, etc to choose my investments.

Biggest hit of your horse?

I have had some 4 figure scores since investing in live MTT's. My largest online score staking was the one prior to BF which sucks ass.


Obviously, poker is one. I also like to hike, camp, college football and mostly spending time with my family.

Did your family suport your poker job??

Poker has never been my "job". I keep my poker monies and my real life monies seperate to keep peace at home. My wife supports it, but she also doesn't understand it too much either. She never understood how someone could play 12 poker tournaments at one time. However, paying the occasional "wife tax" with winnings helps. I have been fortunate to use poker to take vacations to Bahamas, Disney World, etc.

Favorite pro and PTP player??

I'm not a real fan of TV pros so to speak, but I liked watching Antonio Esfandari on HSP when it was on. He has fun at the table and won while doing it. As far as PTP players, I enjoy the posts/tweets from Indariva, Scaphism, Herschelw and many more.

What is most important to be good poker player?

As with most things in life, a person needs to have a good work ethic and be humble. Poker is a humbling game. You can win have 3 winnings months and then have 3 losing months just as easy. Poker is a game that changes constantly based on your opponents. Studying your game and others game is a great way to improve. I try to replay tournaments in my head to find where my weakness or mistakes were made. Talk to friends about hand histories not just bad beat stories. You're not always unlucky. Sometimes you just played really bad and quite frankly may suck at that level. Know when you are outmatched at the table, stakes, etc. Play within your skill set. If you win a $5 rebuy don't think you can win the Sunday $109 rebuy on Stars.

Message to PTP members??

Being part of this staking community for years now, I have learned that people need to treat other people's money with at most respect. They are giving you the opportunity to play the game. There has been too many people steal backer's money on here over the years. I don't see how some horses do it and live with themselves. Black Friday was essentially a "Get Out of Jail Free" card for many of those offenders. We will likely never hear from them again. I am proud that I have never had any trust issues on the site during my tenure.

Finally, I am very thankful for PTP for being one of the resources I have used over the years for backing, staking, guidance and friendships. Most of the people on the site make valuable contributions to the site. Hopefully, the US government wiil get its head out of its ass and let everyobe play in again regardless what state we live in.

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